July 2020 (online) Meeting Minutes

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    BassBusters July 2020 Meeting Agenda

    7/9/20 – BassBuster’s General Meeting (via Zoom Meeting) Minutes
    1. Updates:
    VP – discussion moved to later in meeting
    Treasurer – membership dues are nearly caught up. Contact Treasurer Ryan
    Uda if you have questions
    Secretary – none

    2. July 18 Delta event is a “go” (Brannan Island)
    a. Post in the Zoom Chat to declare intent – boater/non boater, and

    Event Details – (7:42)
    b. Morning blast off at safe light (5:20)
    c. Masks recommended while at ramp, at weigh in, in general whenever
    in close proximity with others, and when main motor is running.
    Please discuss this with your partner to ensure everyone feels
    d. Bring hand sanitizer
    e. Travel arrangement to be made with partner. It is the clubs
    recommendation at this time to split both persons transportation
    costs during the Covid-19 situation, if applicable.
    f. $20 option available
    g. No post event debrief as we will handle that at the next club
    h. 1 team member at scales
    i. Box lunches will be provided – let Steve know if you have any
    dietary restrictions or food allergies by Saturday.
    j. Bring you own beverages

    3. Club Classic
    a. Oct 24th – Russo’s Marina – 6 teams per club
    b. Priority sign up for top 12. Please contact Pres. Steve Tonelli
    if interested. Sooner the better for all.

    4. Insurance Policies
    a. If you haven’t already, please send your current Declaration Page
    to Secretary Bon Gotuaco. Email or text pictures are acceptable

    5. Gentle reminder to take pictures for website
    a. Send them to Steve Tonelli.
    b. Try to take at least 2.

    6. Life members nominations have been received
    a. Recommended guidelines: 15 years as a member, or 4 years on the
    board, and/or have been voted Mr. Bass or Sportsman Of The Year 1
    b. Spiros Stamos, member since 2003
    c. Mike Chen member since 2005
    d. John Fernandez member since 2000
    e. An open discussion then ensued with thoughts on the nominees.
    (Positive discussion along with the expected ribbing)
    f. Next meeting we will have a closed ballot vote

    7. Notice: Igor had his twins – Ike & Ivy
    8. Clear Lake Night – Aug 22, pick your partner, please start
    9. Performed roll-call and then team partner draw for Delta event.
    Boat 1. Javier C / Will Martin
    Boat 2. John F / Youri K
    Boat 3. Rene D / Will D-M
    Boat 4. Ryan U / Emerson C
    Boat 5. Scott S / Daryl D
    Boat 6. Tony L / Geno
    Boat 7. Bon / Joe M
    Boat 8. Mike C/ Miguel L
    Boat 9. Boris / Luke H
    Boat 10. Jeff L / Britt B
    Boat 11. Brian R/ Steve T
    10. In-depth directions on tournament logistics
    a. Brannan Island State Recreational Area
    b. Launch requires mussel self-inspection form
    1. https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=128621&inline
    c. Event first light – 11:30am
    1. Boats in water by 5:15.
    2. Staging prior to blastoff TBD – if in doubt look for TD
    Brian Roh’s boat
    d. Weigh In will be “drive by” weigh in at north end of parking lot
    1. Trailer boat then proceed directly to weigh station
    2. 1 person from team is allowed at scale
    3. Immediately following weigh-in, release fish
    4. Lunch available thanks to Jeff Leo’s catering
    e. Turkey shoot from 2pm – 8pm
    1. Launch boats no later than 1:45pm
    f. No debrief at event.


    If there are any non-boater cancellations, please give me a call. I will fill in you willing.

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